Prior to Thursday, Sacramento hadn't seen rain since November 20. Two solid months of dry. Between you and me, I'm shocked that my little garden survived since I've barely spent any time out there. That said, I'm trying not to be peeved about some problems...
January 21, 2012
Damaged harvest. Who's eating my snow peas?!? (Or is that frost damage?) |
Oak trees dropping piles of leaves and choking out my kale. (Random aside: I tried kale for the very first time the other day. I baked it in "chip" form... SO GOOD! Who knew?) |
Fungi running amok. |
Plants that I can't identify anymore. (I'm thinking this is miner's lettuce, but it could also be loverage. I can't remember and my popsicle stick signs have all faded beyond recognition.) |
Frost-zapped nasturtiums. :( |
Shawna Black Thumbs
The Daily Pixel- January 1, 2012- Death Star Pancakes
The Daily Pixel- January 2, 2012- Double date in Half Moon Bay
The Daily Pixel- January 3, 2012- The Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room, aka the scariest attraction at Disneyland
The Daily Pixel- January 4, 2012- The Wookie of my dreams
The Daily Pixel- January 5, 2012- Classic Disney
The Daily Pixel- January 6, 2012- Winter veggies galore
The Daily Pixel- January 7, 2012- Vanilla roasted pears
The Daily Pixel- January 8, 2012- Christmas waffles in January
The Daily Pixel- January 9, 2012- Curing the "Mondays" with a steak supper
The Daily Pixel- January 10, 2012- Seeing a man about some ankles
The Daily Pixel- January 11, 2012- A one-man walking protest in Tempe
The Daily Pixel- January 12, 2012- First week of school at Arizona State University
The Daily Pixel- January 13-19, 2012- Diapers, dogs, travel and gardening, oh my
The Daily Pixel- January 20, 2012- Attack of the 50 millimeter monsterLabels: garden, Gardening, kale, nasturtiums, pests, photography, photos, Project Green Thumbs, rain, Sacramento, snow peas, The Daily Pixel, winter