Posing with the Comps Cape. I'm the first
to sign it! Learn more here. |
Well, it's been an hour since I successfully defended my comprehensive exams and the good news hasn't quite sunk in yet.
I am done with comps. DONE. No one is going to ask me to "demonstrate my knowledge" that way again. I passed. I can put the stacks and stacks of articles away. I can re-shelve the 25 books on my desk. I can check "comps" off my to-do list. Wowza!
Aside from general relief, I feel so freaking grateful right now. I appreciate the family, friends and mentors who helped me prepare, keep sane, keep focused... I'm glad those same people put up with a probably-more-grumpy-than-normal me for all these months. Thank you!!
And I'm especially thankful that my fabulous committee* not only liked my comps answers, but found by my dissertation ideas interesting as well. Although I still have to write and defend my prospectus (dissertation proposal), it's nice to know they are on board with my master plan so far!
After the defense, my committee members and I signed
the Comps Cape. I will "cape" the next lucky student and
they will repeat the process. To see my caping ceremony,
click here. |
Now, off to class and then to celebrate!
* The committee is a team of professors that I chose to guide me through the comps writing and dissertation process. They read all of the drafts, provide feedback, ask pointy questions, and make everything better/harder/smarter. Without question, I have the best committee at ASU. I'm just saying. (Yeah, I'm hoping they read this. ha!)
Related links:
Operation Kick-Ass Comps: How I plan to survive comprehensive exams
O.K.A.C. #1: Intro to Sensemaking, aka "How can I know what I think until I see what I say?"
It's not you, it's me: Taking a break from social media (so I don't fail my comprehensive exams)
A Grateful Heart: Friends, the secret to surviving comprehensive examsLabels: Arizona, Arizona State University, ASU, Cactus Land, challenging things, Gratitude, Hugh Downs School, Operation Kick Ass Comps, school, things that kick ass