Up visiting friends in Amador. Lovely way to spend a Saturday! |
I spent the day wandering Amador County with my Marm and bestie, Jeanne J.. In addition to the for-once Fall-like weather and the delicious camaraderie of ladies, I enjoyed being disconnected. "Extended service" only in the hills. No Facebook or Twitter or email. Glorious!
So, it wasn't until mid-evening that I realized it's now in fact November (how did that happen so fast??) and I hadn't chosen whether to play in BlogHer's NaBloPoMo Challenge (that's National Blog Posting Month, by the way) like last year or NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) like 2012 when I wrote big chunks of my dissertation while everyone else penned fiction.
When I saw Rachel Leibrock's post where she described jumping back on the NaBloPoMo bandwagon, I got inspired to do the same (thank you, @writegrrrl!).
Since Fall semester prep started in August, I've noticed a steep decline in blog posting around these parts. It's mostly the teaching/grading/researching business that is mid-semester life and partly the still-building-new-blog-sites, trying to keep up with flying, and the oh-yeah-I-really-like-sleeping-and-eating business that is daily life. So I'm excited to get back into the habit of blogging and joining my friends in NaBloPoMo land as we commit to writing every damn day of November.
So... Any special requests? Topics you want covered? Burning questions you need answered? Do tell.
Other posts on writing:
- Grief, accumulated: Thoughts on secondary trauma, writing and resilience
- Dos and Don'ts of dissertation writing
- Celebrating the end of comps writing
- A rebel nerd just RSVP'd for the NaNoWriMo party
- Rekindling the academic mojo
- The NaNoWriMo report: Good news, bad news
- National Blog Posting Month on BlogHer, okay I'm inLabels: Amador, blogging, BlogHer, fam, friends, Marm, NaBloPoMo, November, personal, writing