She showed up at my house unannounced at 9 p.m. on a Sunday. Ostensibly there to conduct a job interview, she proceeded to open my fridge, pull out a can of easy-bake cinnamon rolls, and dump them in the microwave. "Your mom loves these," she said with a nod.
Why is Cynthia Stohl, a leading organizational communication scholar, in my house I wondered, while hurriedly throwing on clothes to do the interview.
Just as I reappeared in the kitchen, my mom told me Cynthia left but would call on the phone.
We spoke for a few minutes and I thanked her the opportunity to interview. "No, this is not an interview," she said. "This is a chat."
As she abruptly clicked off the call, I woke up, somewhat bewildered. I hadn't applied for any position at UC-Santa Barbara where the real-life Cynthia teaches. Furthermore, my mother is never over at 9 p.m. on Sunday. And I haven't purchased those (delectable) cinnamon rolls in years...
Ah, academic dreams.
Although my second job-market dream pales in comparison to my first-year-of-Ph.D-school dreams (think the running late/unprepared trope coupled with the no-pants-on nightmare with a sprinkle of miniature minotaurs and you have an idea), they are a good indication of where my brain is at lately.
It's been a lot of job applications, award applications, and dissertation plotting around these parts... with a good bit of domesticity in between of course. This smattering of photos includes some of the first with my handy-dandy iphone 5. Sigh. (Forgive me for using and abusing cool filters. I'm sure the phase will pass. Maybe.)
#274- Sep 30- No slurping the couch allowed
Apparently Goliath did not get the memo. |
#275- Oct 1- Crockpot chicken tacos
I threw a package of chicken breasts into the crockpot along with a can of diced tomatoes, a chopped red onion, garlic powder, cumin, pepper, chili powder, chopped jalapenos, salt, bay leaves and a bit of cayenne. After cooking on low all day I was bummed to find out how dry the chicken turned out! Next time: thighs instead of breasts. |
#276- Oct 2- Always a good day for a walk
I'm pretty sure Goliath has a death wish. On our evening walks, he feels compelled to buddy up to giant (compared to him) turkeys, hissing cats, St. Bernards... |
#277- Oct 3- Creating Fall
Despite the warm Sacramento weather (grr), it's Fall at the Redden abode! |
#278- Oct 4- Hearty Italian vegetable soup
Stay tuned for the recipe! |
#279- Oct 5- Coffee date with my "favorite" niece
So this is slightly cheating but I'm counting this photo since it was taken with my camera. Em even Instagrammed it with the caption noting that she's my favorite niece. (Sydney, do not listen!) |
#280- Oct 6- Growing the pillow collection
The bedroom revamp continues. |
#281- Oct 7- Missing man
Rode with T while he flew a "missing man" formation in honor of a local pilot who passed away. Solemn flying, complete with scattering ashes... I felt honored to be a part of the experience. |
#282- Oct 8- All the self-portraits
The thing about my new Iphone? Increased ability to take self-portraits and a zillion fun filters. I apologize in advance! |
#283- Oct 9- It's getting spooky around these parts
One thing I love about our neighborhood? The decorating spirit. Around Halloween time, I mean that quite literally! |
#284- Oct 10- My home away from home
Yes, that's a giant red beanbag. |
#285- Oct 11- Desert thunder
Remember when I mentioned fun with filters? This photo was initially my crappy attempt at capturing a spectacular lightning storm in Arizona. With filters? Let's call it artsy. |
#286- Oct 12- Fall in the desert
It was miraculously cloudy and cool in Phoenix last week, just how I like it. |
#287- Oct 13- Who doesn't love traffic?
Visited Napa for a family gathering but had to endure some un-fun, unnecessary bumper-to-bumper traffic. |
#288- Oct 14- The sprinkler shuffle
T spent a good chunk of Sunday tweaking our sprinkler settings. Lets hope that his work, coupled with my fertilizing and aerating, rejuvenate our sad-looking lawn. |
#289- Oct 15- Someone doesn't appreciate picture time
#290- Oct 16- If small dogs could jump through dual pane windows
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In case you wonder what canine escape plotting looks like. |
More pixels!
#264-273- A week of "Fall"
#245-#263- Sweet September
#236-244- Once in a blue moon
#226-235- Hot, hot heat
#215-225- Domestic blissLabels: academic, Arizona, Arizona State University, ASU, Cooking, dogs, Dreams, fam, family, Goliath, Mr. T, personal, photography, photos, Slice of Life, The Daily Pixel