Before we took off for Oshkosh, I engaged in a boatload of mental gymnastics... This is not the Hopscotch Honeymoon. This is not the Hopscotch Honeymoon. You will not go to Mackinac Island on the way home. This is not the Hopscotch Honeymoon. You see, the last time we crossed the country to the land of cheese, it was mid-honeymoon. The dorm room with twin beds and no a/c? Just a rustic honeymoon suite. This time, I wasn't sure if I would love it as much without the just-married sheen.
Luckily, aviation paradise is still pretty damn cool, even without smooshy romance. See... a few pictures to prove it.
#201- July 19- Soaring over the Great Salt Lake
#202- July 20- Formation flying over the heartland
After a quick sleep outside of Denver, we flew with friends to Rock Falls, IL. |
#203- July 21- Practice makes perfect
Mr. T and company, practicing the 4-0 formation for Oshkosh. Tim is in the "4," second from the right in the 5-airplane line abreast formation. |
#204- July 22- Team RV!
Before leaving Rock Falls, Team RV practiced their routine. I am their newest fan girl. SO COOL. |
#205- July 23- Airshow excitement at Oshkosh
One of the coolest features of Oshkosh is the daily airshow. Warbirds, formations, insane aerobatics... |
#206- July 24- Daydream believer
If T had his druthers, he'd be flying a P-51 like this one. Someday when I make the millions, I'll buy him one. |
#207- July 25- B-17 bomber passes
One of my favorite airplanes. As part of my Aircraft Identification Training, I learned that the Flying Fortress has R-1820 engines, same as the DC-3 and T-28. (For the record, I recalled that WITHOUT T's help. Yay me.) |
#208- July 26- I like an airplane with bite
The P-40, one of my favorite fighters. I admit, the styling captivates me. |
#209- July 27- Admiring the B-29 Superfortress
Watching the B-29 fly every day was incredible. Of course, I dedicate this photo to Geeta and Kristin. |
#210- July 28- Desert crossing
Homeward bound! We crossed through restricted airspace nearby China Lake and Edwards AFB. |
#211- July 29- Walter the Watermelon
Impatiently waiting for this fruit to grow. |
#212- July 30- Jalapeno bumper crop
I'm contemplating a small batch of pickled jalapenos. Anyone have a good recipe? |
#213- July 31- Creepiest salon accoutrement ever
#214- Aug 1- Garlicky mushroom kale saute
Mr. T and I are making friends with kale. This saute with mushrooms and garlic is quite tasty and stupendously healthy. Per the reviews, I added tomatoes. Next time, I will sprinkle red pepper flakes and maybe a touch of red wine vinegar. |
More Daily Pixels!
#192-213- Just a week in summer
#159-191- A month of pixels
#150-158- Early summer in academia
#142-149- Good things, thank you!
#140-141- Weekend warriors
#135-139- Spring and things
#130-134- Celebrations!Labels: airplanes, Airventure, aviation, Bonanza, desert, EAA, flying, formation, Hopscotch Honeymoon, kale, Mr. T, Oshkosh, personal, photos, Recipes, RV, Slice of Life, The Daily Pixel, Vans, watermelon