
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Daily Pixel: Just a week in summer

Since school let out in May, it's shocked me how different my life/schedule/work has been week to week.  I've flown for research on average once a week, visited Alaska and then Los Angeles, twice. Tomorrow we head to Oshkosh. No routines. No set schedules. It's both fun and aggravating if I'm being honest! This Daily Pixel post seems to encompass a "typical" week in summer--travel, a bit of cooking, a dash of gardening, and a bunch of randomness in between.

How's your summer going?

#192- July 10- Going back in time
Last week I participated in the NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar at USC. We stayed in the dorms, two women to a room, eight women to a suite. Can you say estrogen-filled college flashbacks?? At one point, there was gossip and ice cream. Sigh.
#193- July 11- Commnerds unite!
Approximately 30 doctoral students from around the country gathered to present and discuss research.  Although most of us do different types of work, it was really cool to meet others in the same boat in terms of the Dissertation Downhill.
#194- July 12- Creepy town cats
Creepy cats in downtown LA.
#195- July 13- Things that do not inspire confidence
Rational me knows that flaky paint is in no way related to safety. But I'm a bit sensitive about nuts and bolts and rivets and airplane skin. Ahem.
#196- July 14- The un-modest cook
The other day I asked Mr. T to bring home a "green vegetable" to serve with my Pioneer Woman chicken cacciatore. When he walked in the door with red chard and not the green beans or broccoli I expected, I had to stifle a pout and foot stamp. Chard?? That's not even a vegetable! I don't want leafy greens! But back to the title of the photo, even the ickle leafy greens turned out tasty. And the chicken? It was phenomenal if I do say so myself. Tender and falling off the bone phenomenal. The recipe is SO worth the effort!
#197- July 15- The cutest garden occupant on earth
#198- July 16- Best luggage tag ever!
A most thoughtful and funny gift from a dear friend.
#199- July 17- Happy anniversary!
My fabulous hubby on our anniversary shortly before taking me to Italian food. Mmm.
#200- July 18- We have moose in California??
Ran across this strange sculpture in the Fountains shopping center in Roseville. The suburban moose?

More Daily Pixels:
#159-191- A month of pixels
#150-158- Early summer in academia
#142-149- Good things, thank you!
#140-141- Weekend warriors
#135-139- Spring and things
#130-134- Celebrations!

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